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Undercover Officers Arrest Man After Trying to Sell Stolen Property

This past Monday, two Rancho Cucamonga detectives arrested a man for trying to sell stolen property online. This arrest was part of an undercover sting after police learned that he was selling a stolen snow blower on craigslist. The suspect was arrested on suspicion of possession of stolen property after one of his victim’s saw her stolen snow blower online for sale. When the police were brought this case, they decided to set up a sting operation with the man and acted as if they were interested in the snow blower. Once the detectives set up the meet so that they could see the product, they identified the snow blower as the victims and arrested the man for the theft of the product. Police discovered a warrant for the man for an unrelated burglary and was booked into the West Valley Detention Center in Rancho Cucamonga. Police are advising people that if any of their belongings have been stolen then you might be able to find them online and retrieve them by calling the police.

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